Resources for Growing in Christ

In the fall of 2020 we looked at Ephesians 4:1-16 (view the sermon) and saw some of the key ingredients for growing up in Christ. Just like a tree needs soil, sunlight, and showers in order to grow, Paul describes good character, right doctrine, and spiritual gifts as key ingredients for our growth in Christ. It looks something like this:

tree image.jpg

As we reflected on each of these ingredients, we considered some ways to engage more deeply with each one and, as we ended, each person was challenged to consider which of these ingredients is needed most in their life right now. Below you will find some practical resources related to these for growing in Christ.

Soil of Character

  • CONFESSION: Confession is a difficult practice that does not come naturally to most of us, but it is simply growing in the ability to say “I’m sorry for ______,” whether we are speaking to God or to someone else. Confession is one of the primary ways of cultivating humilty and carving out a more christlike character.

  • EXAMEN: The Examen is a method of prayerfully reflecting on your day. It is a way to look back on all that has happened, look for the places where God was present, admit the places where we failed, and regather ourselves for the coming day.

  • COMMUNITY: All of the character qualities mentioned at the beginning of Ephesians 4 require community. During this time of social distancing, it is even more important that we practice the spiritual discipline of community. It may be as simple as making an intentional phone call or reach out with a simple text message. You can also connect with others through some of our small groups that are meeting both in-person and online right now.

Sunlight of Doctrine

  • STUDY BIBLE: A good study bible is a helpful way to engage scripture more deeply. Most offer notes and commentary on the text that help us understand the text better and help us to think more deeply about it. Here are a couple of recommended study bibles:

  • THEOLOGY BOOKS: Theology books identify topics and themes of Christian faith and help us to think about them in light of scripture, tradition, and reason. These range from thick technical books of “systematic theology” to various books exploring specific topics of theology. Here are a couple of easy to read theology books that offer a big picture overview of Christian faith:

  • ANCIENT CREEDS: Early creeds dating back to the third and fourth centuries offer a helpful overview of basic Christian doctrine. Below are two similar creeds that are affirmed by nearly all Christians, across denominations and traditions.

Showers of Spiritual Gifts

  • SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Christianity is not a spectator sport! God has given gifts to the church for all to engage in the work of ministry wherever and whoever you are! To learn more about spiritual gifts, read through the following bible passages, article, and set aside some time to work through the survey that can help identify your own giftings. If you would like to talk about your survey results, there is a place at the bottom where you can input a church leader’s email:

May these resources be a blessing to you and if you would like to learn about them or discuss them with our minister, please feel free to reach out.